
As a local church, we believe that we are co laborers with God in the fulfillment of His will, which is to see that all men are saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. This influences our perspective on giving. We believe strongly that our giving and partnership should be an end in themselves rather than a means to an end. 

Consequently, knowing that giving is a biblical instruction, we would like to extend to you this platform an opportunity to partner with us to the end that the needs of the brethren and by extension that of the local church are met. 

Your generosity as you propose in your heart towards the propagation of the Gospel will greatly and always count.


 God’s Palace UK

 Bank of Scotland 

Account number : 24241668

Sort code : 80-22-60


God’s Palace Christian Assembly 

 Zenith Bank 

Account number : 1014820169

Do you have questions?

Reach out to us with the details below